Tuesday, November 30, 2004


I've got two concerts at the end of the week, and grad school apps due VERY soon, and a lab write-up, and data scoring, and apparently I'm helping with the German department faculty search, and maybe I'll hear about my comps, and next week is voice juries and another musical performance and finals are coming up...

Ah, I've missed being busy!

Monday, November 29, 2004

oh so very... back at school

I suppose a flight delayed by an hour and a half is still better than no flight at all, especially since I managed to find a ride to school from the airport even though we arrived after midnight.

Meh. Back to the grind. I wonder when I'll find out if I passed my comps?

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Oh so very happy


  • Great tour memories
  • Safe and swift travel
  • Family dinners
  • Watching tv/talking/cuddling with Mike
  • Shopping with my mom and Grandma and Aunt Kristin and the babies (I shouldn't call Justin a baby anymore though... every time I see him he's so much bigger!)
  • Turkey and pumpkin pie
  • Shopping again with Mom and Kara and Grandma and Aunt Mary and Michelle
  • More cuddling
  • Movies
  • Everything!

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

home safe

...and waiting...

Sunday, November 21, 2004

On the road

I'm in New Wilmington, PA... yesterday was Indiana, PA and Friday was Pittsburgh. So much in such a short amount of time! We've done four performances already, with one left to go. Tomorrow it's back to Ohio (umm, go Bucks?) and then finally St. Louis for the rest of the week. Yay!

I've gotten a bit more sleep in the last couple of days, and the residual comps stress is beginning to wear off. Yay for break.

Gotta go hang out with the 'stones. Later.

Friday, November 19, 2004

From Tim

mmm...peanuts... Posted by Hello

Which reminds me, maybe I should eat something today.

Drumroll please...


Not even 6am!


Current status:

Still chugging along. I'm about 90% done, with maybe an hour or two of writing left to go. I might actually get a couple of hours of sleep tonight!

Thank goodness I won't have the first shift on Cornerstones tour tomorrow... it's only a three hour drive to Pittsburgh, but that's three hours of potential somnolence that I can't afford to pass up.

Megan bought me color-changing silly putty and wrote a sweet card to encourage me tonight AND read my rough draft, and Jen let me have half of her pizza and listened to me vent, and Marc edited a draft for me and got out of bed to call me back and give me a peice of advice he had forgotten. I caught Gilbert outside my door at 3am, on a trek to put handmade posters on all of the Stones' doors. How lucky am I to know these folks?

Hmm... if I finish before 6, maybe I should throw my laundry into a washer. A bit of packing wouldn't hurt, either. That would make today the most productive 24-hour period in my entire life!

(T minus five days and counting...)

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Current status:

Approximately at the halfway point!

I still probably won't get enough sleep tomorrow night, but it looks like I'll be able to get to bed at a reasonable hour tonight. That is a fabulous realization.


In less than one week I will be very very very very VERY happy.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Current status:

None too bad, so long as I can pass my German test today and Psychopharm test tomorrow.

I wasn't that tied to the idea of sleeping Thursday night, anyway.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Current status:


(much wailing and gnashing of teeth.)

Monday, November 15, 2004

Zig zag

I'm waffling between two states these days.

Position One, Self-administered pep talk:
I can do it! There is so much fascinating literature out there on Alzheimer's pathology, and so many questions left to answer, so writing one little project proposal is a piece of cake. Just pick something that needs to be elucidated (like the cholinergic hypothesis and amyloid-beta production, or the self-organizational model) and think about one tiny sub-question that a simple experiment will answer. This is totally within my means and experience and might even be fun, if I let it.

Position Two, "I'm going to die":
No way. NO WAY. I only have a week. I know nothing about methods in molecular biology. How the heck am I supposed to make sense of this conflicting gobbeldygook and know what treatments to use? Buffers? Goat anti-mouse IgG? Horseradish peroxidase? SDS-PAGE? Protein kinase C? Amyloid precursor protein? MAP kinase? MAP kinase kinase? I've heard these terms before, and at some point in my life they may have made some kind of sense, but right now I'm totally overwhelmed and can barely make heads or tails of any of it. Oh, and if I can't write this one stupid paper, I will never be a scientist and maybe I'm not cut out for it anyway and why oh why did I go for the Neuro major? Blah. Blah blah blah.

Believe it or not, right now position one is holding its own... but I'm worried. We'll know by the end of the week. I'm not giving up... yet. Back to work.

Sunday, November 14, 2004


According to all known physical laws, I am no longer able to procrastinate... and yet, I took the time to watch this today.


Thursday, November 11, 2004


Tonic release of glucocorticoids and other stress hormones have been shown to have detrimental effects on sleep, immune function, and various organs and body symptoms.

Good thing I saved all of my stress up for the last week and a half before thanksgiving break. I consider this an investment towards my future health and well-being. So long as writing my comps doesn't kill me on the way.

Accomplished today:
  • Scored an hour of data... 6h 15min to go!
  • Umm, went to class?
  • Started preliminary reading. By "started," I mean "napped through."
  • Organized my journal article sources into topical and methodological piles, with color-coded binder clips.
  • Began intensive freaking-out process, phase one. Current status: denial.

Sunday, November 07, 2004


I have a chamber singers solo/small group part/whatever it is?



Saturday, November 06, 2004

Wild Nights

5:30 pm - Senior class dinner begins - boxed wine flows like the Nile

7:30 pm - Senior class post-dinner kegger - Natty Light libations... too bad nobody asked me whether I wanted a beer shower...

9:00 pm - The Company's "Big-Ass Musicals That Everybody Loves" Revue - awesome

10:00 pm - Adjourn to Bryan's room for wild dance party... with fudge!

11:10 pm - B-day shindig for several friends - The land of Grasshoppers (Grasshopper=1 part Creme de Menthe+1 part Creme de Cacao+1 part milk+1 part my most newest favoritest thing in the world) and wild booty-dancing antics

1:30 am - Definitely past my bedtime. Goodnight!

Friday, November 05, 2004

I love chicks that play trombone

I saw a concert last night that totally made my week... Sherrie Maricle and the DIVA Jazz Orchestra. (You know it's good when I buy a CD.) I should have been studying various irregular German verb forms, but this was completely worth it, especially since this year I didn't get my usual summertime fix.

Hmm... how much longer until Thanksgiving?

(too long...)

Thursday, November 04, 2004


I attend the most civic-minded college in the nation, if time spent waiting in line at the poll is an indication.

I didn't get my absentee ballot, because my home board of elections didn't get my request before the Oct. 27th deadline, because I didn't mail it until the 25th.

Well, at least I wasn't in line for nine hours?