Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ace in the hole

So I call Mike after I get out of my qualifying exam, to tell him I passed. His response?


(It went really well. I only cried a little bit at the very end.)

***UPDATE 9/26***
I don't intend the above comment to make my husband look at all insensitive... I came home yesterday evening to a surprise candlelit Italian dinner for two with jazz accompaniment (Dave Brubeck and Getz/Gilberto) and Mike in a suit & fedora. He wouldn't even let me do the dishes.

Monday, September 01, 2008

A snippet of wedding fun

Wedding: done.
Married life: so far so good!

We didn't have a videographer to record the goings-on at the reception, but we did have a quick-thinking coworker of mine in the crowd with a rather good camera phone! Thus, a short clip of our first dance has been documented for posterity:

Also, if you haven't seen the photos yet, there is a temporary gallery here. It should be live through October 26, 2008. When I get the digital files I'll make a Shutterfly album.