Monday, September 06, 2004

I've got to admit it's getting better

My glasses broke yesterday... just snapped right in the middle of the bridge. Also right in the middle of church, about five minutes before I was supposed to do a reading and the rest of the song announcements. (But after I misread the numbers for the processional song and caused much congregational consternation.) I don't remember any recent negative-karma-inducing acts, unless I'm torturning innocents in my sleep. Maybe I'm making up for seven years of good luck... or taking care of the next seven?

I keep reminding myself that if these are the worst of my problems I'm really doing quite alright. Unfortunately, this tactic also encourages me to imagine dire worst case scenarios of falling several thousand feet without a parachute... or the act of abruptly (and messily) ceasing to fall, as one is wont to do. I can't really figure out how these ruminations are supposed to help me, but I find solace in the idea that they should.

Once school settles down to the usual groove and grind I'll be fine, and now that all of my music groups are starting up again I know the fabulously reassuring feeling of routine isn't far behind. OCD tendencies sure help me to get my work done, but they're also obnoxiously detrimental during periods of change and transition. I'm pretty sure I could happily sacrifice a small portion of my "work ethic" in order to avoid becoming a complete and total wreck whenever my life is slightly out of whack.

Enough for now.

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