Thursday, January 27, 2005


I've read my most recent posts and come to an astonishing conclusion:

I'm boring.

At least, I'm boring right now. Somehow I thought posting less frequently would distill the interesting stuff in my life down into some concentrated, awesome form. So rather than waste your time reading this grade-A vanilla yogurt, spend some time here, or here, or here, or here, or even the old standby.

I do have some good news. I've been invited to my first grad school interview! They offered to cover everything, including transportation. It seems, however, that they expect to reimburse me for mileage. That's rather tricky, seeing as how I'm suffering from a congenital lack of vehicular conveyance. Hopefully they'll get back to me soon with a Plan B that doesn't involve overnighting it... twice... on Amtrak. I wonder if I could convince a car rental place that I'm over 25...

Oh, and in case Mom still reads this... I got an official W2, which I will mail home tomorrow. There is no form for my summer stipend, so we are just expected to write it in, I suppose. I was right about the amount. Also expect proof of full-time student status. If there's anything else, shoot me an e-mail.


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