First a nice dinner at Ruby Tuesday's in town:

The dinner crew

The dinner crew from the other side


Then some photo-ops back at our room:

Bosom buddies

Rachel & Angela in front of my awesome brain poster

Rachel & Uri looking very cute

And upstairs in the lounge:

Rachel & Uri again

how sweet! (can you tell they're newleyweds?)

Self-portrait... they always turn out rather hideous, unfortunately.

The whole lovely group... me, Angela, Rachel, Uri, Jen, & Marc



How very dashing!

What a great angle, guys.

And then, off to the dance itself:

I call it "Friends descending a staircase"

Me with "twinkletoes" aka the fabulous dancing Stu

A handsome couple

Gil - what a cutie!

Gil and Celeste looking darn sexy

Emily & Gil

The lovely Bethany made her own dress

Gil & Bethany

Allison & Frankie, looking good

This is what happens when you tell Ife to "look photogenic!"

Gil & Megan

Kate, looking great!

And then off to the casino to win some raffle tickets:

Ex-roomies! Grace & I

You gotta know when to hold 'em...

... know when to fold 'em!

Maybe I'll win a bad DVD or another hot pot! Yay!
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