Monday, May 16, 2005

So little time left...

And so much to pack!

I haven't really started yet. I'm enjoying the whole "senior week" ethos, which seems to revolve around alcaho - I mean, friends and fun activites! The canoe trip tomorrow should be fun. Tonight there are ghost stories, games, and a big kegg - um, "gathering" on south quad...

It's such a weird time. I like not having work, although that's slightly surreal after everything I've done this year. I enjoy spending time with friends, although it's all tinged with a bittersweetness that seems more powerful with each passing day. The activities are fun, but part of me knows that they're just a distraction, and it would make more sense to pack and graduate and have that sense of completion RIGHT NOW, as opposed to a week after fulfilling my obligations.

That's the logical side of me, the side that would like to believe that to circumvent this extra week of goodbyes I'd also somehow avoid the nostalgia, the regrets (though few), the loss of this place that has come to represent so much to me... I think that side of me is in denial. Probably will be until it comes down to it and I'm loaded up and ready to drive away. I don't really know how to deal with it, so I think I'll go with the flow and see how it works itself out.

Not exactly a plan, but it might do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I was just checking user stats on my website ( and noticed you had put a link to it (because stats showed folks had visited through your link). I just wanted to thank you for doing so and say I'm glad you enjoyed the site.
I hope this isn't weird but I get so tickled that people from all over the world are digging my site that I occasionally like to give a shout out to those who link to it and say thanks (It's also a fun way to put off doing work on all my various projects and whatnot).
BTW- Congratulations on your imminent graduation! You're making a wise choice to stay on and go to grad school, as intelligence and hard work are not as well appreciated in the actual world as they are in academia.

Anyway, thanks again and good luck on everything.

Michael Corcoran

PS- If you enjoy Chicago, you might want to check out my other site- It's a site for my tour guide business but also contains scads of photos and info about Chicago.