Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Big steps and little 'uns

Today I gathered lots of stuff that needs to be mailed to Germany. Not in time to make it to the post office before 5pm, but it's all assembled, addressed, and ready to go tomorrow. I've spent so much time reading the materials (some in German, of course... that takes longer) that I no longer remember where a particular bit of information came from. I've got a file folder an inch thick already, and SO much more to do... and of course I'm deathly afraid that I will do something wrong and wind up with nowhere to live, or be sent home in disgrace for sheer inability to arrange my life. Plus there are the classes, lab, the whole "mastering a second language" thing, and other variables that I'm sure I haven't even considered yet...

I've decided that I can't let the myriad details and loose ends stymie my sense of purpose. Deciding and doing are two different things, but it's nice to have a mantra, of sorts.

The loose ends over there notwithstanding, I've got some more items to take care of... Thank you notes for graduation gifts and also for the privilege of learning from some great people, for instance. Having a for real conversation with my folks about a timeframe for my wedding (that doesn't end in "not yet." I have yet to find a way to have a positive discussion about plans, but I'm working on it.) Request days off for my last real family vacation... plus deal with what that means. Schedule time to see my friends.

I take heart in what's been said about a journey of a thousand miles... but making sure to take all the rest of them is just as important.

P.S. Anyone who can identify the origin of today's title deserves a pan of homemade brownies.

1 comment:

kelly said...

The title sounds like a line from something I've read who has an ear for dialogue. Would guess a British author from a kinder, gentler era. And darn it, I just googled it. Haven't read his works since jr. high.

A, best of luck with all of your plans! Give me a call if you're ever free! ~Kelly