Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Alas, poor Jukebox

My MP3 player died last week. It was an ugly death. Symptoms included a rattling sound, completely stuck on/off button, and a casing that was slowly bowing and expanding with each passing day. If a Best Buy customer service desk somewhere in St. Louis explodes sometime in the near future, we'll all know why.

So, I lost all my music. At least now I'm legal and the RIAA can't touch me... but I also lost some good stuff that will be difficult to replace. Old Cornerstones music from before my time with the group. Chamber Singers concert recordings... I'll have to wait a year for the CD to come out, although at least the recording will be better when I get the "official" version. Tim and Beth singing "I Shall Be Released," was that sophomore year? Obscure and annoying christmas music, including Alvin & the Chipmunks. I'm sure all this stuff exists somewhere, but I don't think I have the will to track it down.

The upshot: I'm finally cracking and buying an iPod. We had the extended warranty on my Lyra player, but apparently (go figure?) they don't make them anymore. So, store credit. I've been inexorably goaded towards mac products for at least the past four years thanks to faculty advisors, friends, and boyfriend. I also had to cough up for WindowsXP to support iTunes (RIP WindowsME... we were fairweather friends...) but now I guess I'm finally ready.

Will my next computer be a mac? Only time (and the availability of publication-worthy statistics and graphing programs) will tell. If Mike had his way, of course, our firstborn child would come with a click wheel.

I still love him, though. He's helping me rebuild my music library from his own collection. What a catch!


Anonymous said...

I can give you the "I Shall Be Released" recording! You have only to ask!

(Especially if you get a Mac someday. Keep in mind, though, that if you wait long enough - 2006/7, under current timetables - they will also run Windows at full speed if you're smart enough to figure out how.)

Anonymous said...

oops, that was me. Tim.