"Johhny Depp has changed the face of pirating forever."
So Friday evening was spent wandering around the waterfront at the Hafenfest, an annual end-of-summer event with lots of booths for food and sundries, not to mention pirates. German pirates nowadays apparently come in two varieties, per our observations: old, grandfatherly buccaneer or Cap'n Jack Sparrow.

After the pirates we hung out with Sander, one of the teachers at the Lektorat. He invited us over to go clubbing, but first of course we had to pre-party at his place until 1am, because the party never gets started until really late. I don't know how people can live like this... Learned that Germans have no concept of the "Amaretto Sour" and wanted to cry. However, I managed to stay awake for the dancing, which was fun. Got to bed at 4:30 am.
Random internet flotsam of the day: I think I could actually stand a chance in this competition, provided the "personality" component does not require the contestant to understand or speak Klingon.
Another side note: the guy who invented the Geiger counter lived right next door to the Burse. Max Planck is also from Kiel, so there must be something in the water... Yay science!

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