Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Today's news

I got an email this morning... No official paperwork yet, but the assistant director of Northwestern's program wanted to let me know that they plan to readmit me. Yahoo! I have plans for next year! Rather, the plan that I had all along is coming to fruition, which is even better.

I was late for my writing class this evening because I lost track of time at my Podestaufbautermin. (See, I can make up my own Kompositen, just like a native speaker!) Anyway, I think I'll just call it the German Riser Crew in English. I managed to not herniate myself, and had lots of fun telling the other folks there about how we get things done where I come from. At least, as far as college choirs in the middle of Ohio are concerned. Unfortunately since I'll be on a plane I won't be able to help with taking them down again.

Post-rehearsal comments: I miss riser etiquette. And mixed formation. And memorization. And understanding all the jokes, even if they made me groan. Otherwise, I'm really excited about Friday. I'm not even bitter anymore about singing Soprano. There's a post-concert party, too.

And then the real party... a billion hours on a plane. But I'm ready! My laundry is drying, I'm working on eating all my perishables, and I've even got a packing list.

Six days!! (EEEEEEEE!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful concert! See you soon. Love, Mom