Saturday, April 01, 2006

I love my alma mater!

Okay, humongo-awesome Leipzig post is on the way, I promise. (Something about being kidnapped by my dorm-mates for a couple hours of Karaoke last night made it difficult to make the time to finish it up... hmm...)

In the meantime, the thing that I most love about Kenyon College is the unabashed willingness of the community to engage wholeheartedly in wonkish dorkery... and have an awesome time in the process. I have a million examples, from the annual Catholics vs. Protestants kickball game, to Prof. Shutt's halloween ghost tours, to pizza-fueled friday afternoon Psych department jam sessions, to campus-wide performance art contests, to the 24-hour mass reading of Ulysses on the Kokosing (and I have the T-shirt to prove it!)

But I think this one takes the cake.

But the most important part is definitely the original video.

Sigh... Farewell, old Kenyon, fare thee well!

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