Saturday, July 09, 2005


I'm back from vacation in the lovely Rolla, MO. The river is still there, albeit slightly different... but everytime I see it it's slightly different. It's been two years this time, so by now the "usual" frog ponds are mostly gone and new ones have eddied their way into existance. There are still frogs, though. And fish (I caught a drum and a largemouth bass.) And muskrats, and eagles, and horseflies, and cows, and dogs, and all the things that make a vacation just right. At least for me... but then again, I'm part river rat.

Mike is over for dinner, and read my previous post. He reminds me about the part where he had me close my eyes and put the ring in my hands. And also about the part where he saved innocent puppies from terrorists... I'll vouch for the first part, at least. Consider the story addended.

Oh, and more progress! I got mail today from Germany... seems I've managed to reserve appropriate living arrangements. Must translate the rest of the letter tonight so I can reply tomorrow, but most of it looks good. Rent is only 113 euro a month, which leaves a nice hunk of my stipend for incidentals, feeding myself, etc. A little worried about the "teilmöbliert," though... I might have to buy some more furniture when I get there. I guess I can always sell it when I leave, though.

I guess I should make a point of contacting my new research advisor to remind him that I'm coming... But I'll still have a month at Kiel in the language course before I get to Göttingen, so I'm not particularly worried about it. Who would resent another pair of (ostensibly) capable hands in the lab?

It's so soon. A month left at home. One month of summer before I'm in another kind of school. One month of my family, of Mike, of my friends in St. Louis. One month at work. I'll miss that too. Maybe my job description is less fun this time, bussing tables and serving food and passing out juice cups... but I still like it. I need to remember to burn a CD of some of my recital for Emma, so she can hear me sing in German before I leave. Maybe some chamber singers stuff too... I sure hope I can find a good choir when I get over there... and that I'll have time for it. What am I saying, I'll make time. I always do.

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