Friday, October 13, 2006

Winter again? Already???

It was 30-odd degrees outside yesterday, and I got snowed on while waiting at the bus stop. This and the never-ending German winter of last year (dragging through, oh, March) make this past summer, officially, the shortest of my life. Not to mention the last, since grad school and real life apparently expect me in lab, working, year-round. Not that I didn't work over summers in college... but I still call it the end of an era.

In more positive news, I'm definitely recovering from the killer cold that hit me this weekend. I'm not quite 100%, still coughing and secreting, but I've managed to catch my classes, get work done and spend some time in lab. Hopefully the upwards trajectory will continue.

At least there's clear blue sky outside my lab window at the moment. Maybe I'll just pretend it's still warm out...


Anonymous said...

I CAN'T BELIEVE IT SNOWED. The other teachers at my school say this might have been the earliest snow in Chicago history. Crazy.


Tim said...

Alaina, you should update your blog links! James' has never worked for me. And as you know, mine's out of date.
Still, I'm happy to hear what you're up to!

Alaina said...

Good eye. For some reason I thought I'd changed yours already... and I kept hoping James would reactivate his stuff, but I guess I should just give up.

Anonymous said...

Hey,hier regnet es auch und es sooo windig,dass man wegfliegt.Allerdings ist es noch ziemlich warm :-)
Schöne Grüße aus Göttingen

Alaina said...

Hallo Katha! Ach, wäre es nur noch warm... Ich bin total eifersüchtig!

Es gibt ein paar Leute hier in mein Programm, die Deutsch sprechen können! Leider wird meine Sprache ganz schlecht, trotzdem. Göttingen fehlst mir!

Anonymous said...

Ja,hier ist es noch sehr warmUnd ich kann jetzt die ganzen bunten Bäume aus meinem Fenster sehen.(Aus der neuesn Wohnung,denn wir sind ausgezogen).
Und Martin fährt mal wieder Fahrrad im Harz,wegen des schönen WEtters.Ja,Göttingen ist eine schöne Stadt,das habe ich gestern auch wieder festgestellt. :-)