Wednesday, December 22, 2004

I'm on it

Christmas vacation?
Try bunches of grad school apps, brand new full-time gainful employment, and only four available vehicles for a family of five employed drivers.
At least I'm done with fall semester finals.

But I really can't complain. I made it home safely with only a bit of a delay and have been relaxing at home with family and friends... and boyfriend... for the past couple of days. Good food! Time to watch movies and even - gasp - regular TV! The job will cut back on my free time, but it really wouldn't do to be home for a whole month just to slack and spend. I'm filling a position in activities at a nursing home, which means 40 hours a week of making posters and hanging out with old folks. Okay, there's transporting people to events and probably some office-type work involved, but overall it sounds like fun. Maybe even something I can look forward to returning to for spring break and summer. That would be very nice.

(Speaking of boyfriend... if you still read this, happy birthday yesterday! It's impossible to say too many times. 22! Wow!)

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