Wednesday, August 18, 2004

No moping!

The summer is over. It doesn't matter that I've got another week at home. It definitely makes no difference that classes don't start until about a week after that. A major midwestern university has kidnapped my boyfriend, and I won't see him until Thanksgiving break.

There are about a zillion things I could do right now to keep myself occupied. I could call all the people I know in town and organize a massive social event. I could get back to reading the huge stack of journal articles I've barely looked at since leaving the lab. I could finish putting all my oodles of happy data in a giant spreadsheet. I could re-mulch the landscaping. I could wash the car. I could read a book. I could bake cookies. I could update my blog every hour on the hour... but I don't really feel like doing much, which is absolutely deadly. Still, I will prevail!

Hmm... that makes things a bit easier. Apparently plans have already been made for dinner out with my whole family tonight, and my Aunt needs a babysitter for the afternoon. At this rate I won't have time to pine. Fabulousness!

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