Monday, March 21, 2005

I can do it

I've finished my last interview and I think I have a good idea of what next year is going to look like. I'm taking another week to think it over and to hear back from one more program, but it's a huge relief that things seem to be falling into place.

Back to school tomorrow... I didn't do enough work over break, but it actually felt like a break, which is possibly more valuable. I'm still in a state of minor panic, but I'm on top of it right now rather than underneath crashing waves of worry and doubt. The lack of progress on my paper is distressing, but now that tour and interviews are over I think I'll have better focus... plus I get to be in the lab more, which is always fun. It could also be the fact that I'll have a boyfriend in town as of Tuesday night... that is a fairly buoyant prospect, especially since I get to keep him for a whole week. Unfortunately, if I crash next Wednesday we'll know why.

1 comment:

Bryan Stokes II said...

Hooray for things falling in place! :-)