Monday, August 22, 2005

At sea

Tonight I spent some time considering the ambiguousness of my position. I'm starting to learn street names around Kiel, and can successfully order myself a sandwich or an ice cream cone or a new Fahrkarte. At the same time, I'm still working how to open a bus door from the inside, and also sorting and taking care of the trash/recyclables.

It's very strange to have to concentrate really hard just to eavesdrop a little on the street.

The nature of life lends itself to the normalization of new experiences. I've been here a week and a day, and already things feel familiar. I haven't yet had all of my classes, and yet it comes as a shock to remember how far away I am from home, and how many new things I've seen in such a short time. Here I'm not completely comfortable in my own skin all the time, but I slip into autopilot often enough that the everyday is feeling very natural. And how weird is that?

Ah, introspection. Maybe I should stick to one glass of wine with dinner.

On the other hand, I feel poetic. Waiting for the bus tonight I saw a constellation of swans bobbing on the waterfront. One ghost in adult plumage and five full-sized cygnets of varying ages, still showing mostly a downy gray. The evening ferry floated past, decorated with strings of lights and candles in the windows. Of course I didn't have my camera. Next time...

I can see the moon from my window. It looks the same. That's both refreshing and almost disappointing.


Oh, and something else... I need a choir. The 1990 Chamber Singers version of Brahms' "Warum ist das licht gegeben den Museligen" came up on the playlist this afternoon. I found myself torn away from the article I was reading again and again until I finally gave up and just listened. I felt a rush of anticipation at every entrance, and recalled the emotional heft of the piece with such clarity that at times I was barely breathing. "Denn der Herr ist barmherzig und ein erbarmer..."

I think the church choir sings on Saturday evening mass, since Sunday morning was a cantor and the congregation. Saturday is phone call night, but maybe that can be flexible. In the bulletin there was a one-page advertisement for "Chor-Schnupper-Samstag," which is apparently a potluck get-together with plow-throughs of liturgical works. The next one (Sept. 17) is some time away, but I think I'll have to pencil that one in. Until then I'll survive on my mp3's...

Oh, oh oh oh oh, how I need a choir.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

isn't it more like "erbaaaaaaaaarmer"? That's my memory. Still great though.

Also, darn you for being in Germany and still having enough money to eat out at all the places you mentioned in your previous post! I'm surviving on rice (ironically enough) and taking stressful placement tests...