Saturday, March 11, 2006

So much for spring...

I got my hopes up yesterday with all the fabulous sunshine... and then it snowed all day today. Sigh.

Anyway, here is the promised composite image of the Berlin Reichstag dome from the entryway/tourist holding pen, which turned out really neat aside from missing a couple of corners: The program, which Adam in Italy told me about, is called Autostitch... and there's a free demo version, so give it a try if you, like me, take lots of pictures of large things from various perspectives and then feel silly when the individual photos come out looking like nothing much in particular.

For those of you who are into this sort of thing, here are the four images I fed into the program to build the panorama above:


Bryan Stokes II said...

Ooh, I think I need to try that program!

In return, a free photomosaic program-

Alaina said...

Oh sweet! I don't know if I have enough pictures on my computer to make it work well... It would be cool to hook up a program like that with Flickr or similar photo repositories to make really awesome mosaics of my favorite pictures. Playtime... :)