Friday, April 21, 2006

da da da da da da da da BACKLOG...

(Title to be sung to the tune of the Batman song. Y'all know the one.)

Aaaaah! I actually had to jot down NOTES from my Bonn/Köln trip of two weekends ago so it doesn't all fade away into the bottomless memory pits of my mind (although at least the pictures are already uploaded)... and then there's Easter weekend with a special visitor and some amazing food, followed by a spontaneous and out-of-this-world return to Berlin...

But all that will have to wait, you see. Since yesterday, I am on a quest. It is a quest of utmost importance, and is both dangerous and difficult. Also, I kind of suck at it. Nevertheless! All 3.7 of you will just have to anticipate the continuation of my adventures with bated breath until AFTER I succeed!

This may take weeks...

Especially since this weekend is my Birthday (23! Ah! Maybe people will finally stop mistaking me for 12!) and classes resume Monday. Oh, holy mother of pop-tarts! Before I forget, the biggest news of all! I did it, I really did it! I tested into OBERSTUFE! Grammatik II, here I come!

And now back to my regularly scheduled questing... And to anybody who takes on the challenge themselves and beats the dratted thing in under 5 hours (consecutive or not): feel free to gloat in the comments section, but I reserve the right to accuse you of making out with monkey bottoms and enjoying it.


1Mac said...

Bragging rights!

You fight a big face thingie at the end.

Alaina said...

Ha! I already knew that!

(Although by day 3 of attempting to get past the arglfrging dragon thing more than once out of every 20 tries, I'll confess... I cheated. The old "tab + enter" trick. It still took me an hour and a half to finally beat it.)

Bryan Stokes II said...

Holy crapola, that game is hard!

I love the death animations...