Monday, April 03, 2006

Deutschland sucht ein Superstar...

That's the title of Germany's American Idol equivalent. I think last night's mondo-Karaoke session was plenty of practice and I'm ready to sign up for the next round of auditions. Ich wird Superstar!

Okay, not really... but why didn't we think of this in college? My friends totally got on the Dance Dance Revolution train (some folks from my circle more than others) and it made for some great parties. Plus, most of the folks I associated with could actually sing, including those who thought they couldn't... (I'm looking at you, certain someone who still owes me a duet, whether it be Sir Elton & Kiki or or Huey & Gwyneth.) So that's it. Five-year reunion comes around, I'm totally bringing a Karaoke set. Right here, right now, I'm throwing down the glove: Kenyon Reunion 2010 Idol. Who's with me??

In other news, this same someone seen above has also seen fit to bestow a miraculous cure for my nascent Protestant tendencies. How can I keep from rejoicing in Catholicism, when this exists??

My goals for the day... convincing my laundry to dry itself in a timely fashion (main tactic: squinting meaningfully at pants) and getting on the German equivalent of Facebook... Dear Lord, how far I have fallen!

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