Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Life is sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows...

I had my first creme brulee today. Ahem.

(***transports of joy***)

Okay, now that I have that out of my system... I don't think anyone knows my blog exists. If I'm wrong, let me know. Maybe once I have internet in my room and can advertise agressively on my IM profile all that will change. Or perhaps I should just mention it causually at social gatherings... right, that'll go over well.

I think that the cat that I am currently cat-sitting (who lives in the house I am currently house-sitting) is becoming frustrated with me. Obviously, the bed I am sleeping in was HIS first, and I have no right to move him his position of comfort (sprawled full-length across the middle.) Especially for something as insignificant as my sleep cycle. Especially with that demeaning way I flip the top of the covers over him to get him to shove off. I can see the annoyance building in his catty green eyes, and it worries me. If I stop posting abruptly before my scheduled vacation, you (my nonexistant audience) should assume I've been either eaten or mauled.

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