Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I made it!

Ahhhhhh... it's SO nice to be home again!

Some highlights from the last few days:

  • The choir concert was okay. I know I had most stuff memorized, and I think it would have been much better if we had been able to get noses out of the music. The soloists screwed up the entrances of my favorite section of the Oratorio, which made me sad. But the church was packed, and we got a good audience response. I still had fun.
  • I got to Frankfurt uneventfully, only to learn that the hotel I booked for the night was way the heck out in the boondocks. According to my cab driver, it would have been a 60 Euro trip. Yikes! It was too late to cancel the reservation, but my cab driver found me a different hotel, and then offered to come pick me up again the next morning to go to the airport. That worked out wonderfully, especially since I had left my cell phone in the cab the night before! The hotel was a bit of a dive and drunk people kept trying to get into my room in the middle of the night, but at least it was clean.
  • Stupid Delta only allows 50 lb suitcases for international flights now. $25 fee for my 69 lb bag... luckily I'm unloading presents and a few other unneeded items before my flight back!
  • I got airsick for the first time in my life... not on the 10 h 30 min international flight, but between Atlanta and StL. Gross. The plane was a decent size and the flight was pretty smooth, but I hope it was just a one time thing.
  • Related to that, and a possible cause... I now have a monster cold, another fabulous import to share with my loved ones. But it's fair, because I'm sure they'll reciprocate and share their American germs with me.
  • Kailyn does not stop talking. It's kind of amazing. We had a Princess Parade, and danced to me singing "You Are My Sunshine" for something like half an hour. I really wish I could stick around until her 3rd birthday party in January. Justin seems to like Kindergarten. Neither of them play along when I try to teach them German, though.
  • Last night I drove a car for the first time in 4 months - while hopped up on sudafed.
  • I love sudafed. I'd go buy a whole lot of it to smuggle back into Germany, but I don't want the local pharmacists to think I'm cooking meth. Maybe I can get mom to snag me some more from work.
  • I am home, Mike is here. Just mentally add about a million exclamation points to that sentance, and you'll get the gist.
  • We went out for his birthday yesterday. I meant to give him 2 glass Apfelschorle bottles for his "collection," but I dropped the bag while I was getting into the car. Luckily one survived, but I felt rather silly.
  • It's a struggle not to say "Danke" automatically.
  • Season 2 of Arrested Development on DVD makes me obscenely happy.

I think that's it for now. I skipped the Rosati reunion thing today because of my cold, but I hope to get in touch with some friends tonight and make plans. Yay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!! You're home!! I missed you! I will call you asap, I hope you are feeling better and I love you!!