Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Thoughts on the current European cold snap:

  • Predicted high temps in Göttingen for the rest of the week never break above freezing. Granted, we're not expecting precipitation until Thursday, and our lows are still in the upper teens/twenties Fahrenheit, so I'm doing okay compared to points east. I'm glad I'm not in Russia.
  • Peppermint tea + a jar of honey = easily my best investment this winter.
  • For the first time in my life, I actually prefer biking uphill. Sure, extremities are still a lost cause and my lungs are just waiting for an opportunity climb up my trachea and make it play patty-cake with my esophagus, but core temps stay toasty and the windchill isn't half so bad.
  • I like having winter around, but when I grow up, I want to either own a car or live in a place where everything is within 20 minutes walking distance. Or both.

1 comment:

Bryan Stokes II said...

Good luck with the frigid temperatures. It's actually been warm here in Pennsylvania compared to that!

And when I grow up, I want a pony. Or a career. At this point, I'm not sure which is more likely.