Monday, January 09, 2006

Yay for gute Nachrichten

Fabulous news! Someone else I know and love has arrived in Germany! As I'm sure several of you already know, Kola is taking a semester abroad. I can't wait to swing by for a visit sometime and get all the great Kenyon and Cstones gossip! (Not to mention commiserate over culture/language shock and all that jazz...)

Even more splendid, it looks like I'll have another wedding to attend this summer. Yay Jen and Marc! Although a word of warning to any other friends of mine contemplating tying the knot... The line starts HERE. You wanna get hitched, you've gotta wait your turn. I'm NEXT, gosh darn it, and there will be no more cutting in line. :) But seriously, it looks like I'll get a Michigan/Chicago road trip in less than a week after I'm back in the country, and I'm already excited about it. Hmm... maybe I should think about booking my flight home.

In not quite so wonderful a turn of events, I kind of skipped the Bach cantata that I was so excited about, as I felt kind of crappy on Sunday. I couldn't sleep Saturday night, and I woke up later than anticipated feeling totally drained and with a sore throat, so I just stayed home. So I didn't even get to hear the awesome third movement. Luckily I'm feeling much better now, so it must've been a one-night thing. Delayed jet-lag, perhaps? I woke up this morning on time and with much less Halsweh. I went to lab today and both of my Deutsch classes tonight, but then went home instead of Choir rehearsal... partly because I'm still feeling a little tired, partly because of the residual guilt over taking a sick day on a performance, and partly because we're in the middle of a monster cold snap and I didn't think to break out the long-johns this morning, and I don't want to risk getting actually sick biking all over town.

I took my iron today, I promise! And I've got no other symptoms, glands seem to be the normal size, so I'm not worried.

Maybe I should consider going to bed early, anyway...

1 comment:

Bryan Stokes II said...

I'm glad that you're establishing a line. I was just about to decree that no more of my friends are permitted to make wedding plans until's getting crazy!